The Raven Returns
The print show is up, the ink put away, and the proofs are in the flat file. Actually, that was almost two weeks ago. I haven't been completely idle, though. The next show at Avanti opens October 10th. That's just over two weeks away. And again, none of the art for that show is finished. Complicating things a bit is the show I'm doing this weekend, the Emerald Spiral Fall Expo. I will be manning my wife's booth as well as selling my own work. It will be a fun, long day.
The show in October is themed on Dia de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead. Curator Wendy Keen said she was hoping to go beyond sugar candy skulls and dancing skeletons and I am happy to oblige. The main piece is one that I thought I had posted work on before, but I can only find the line art.

The first layers of color were laid down right before a show in May and I started work on painting the knot at the show. Then the 30x30 work started, and the printmaking, and life. So the poor raven sat and waited. But things happen in their own time, and the Day of the Dead show is the right time for my friend here.
The concept for this piece changed significantly since the line art was scanned. In the beginning it was just an exercise in outrageous knot-work. That by itself, however, did not seem to be enough. I tried different ideas for putting the raven in context (though never atop a bust of Pallas) and eventually it chose the Morrigan, a Celtic goddess of death and transformation. I say it chose because it did not entirely feel like my decision. In art school my teachers always told me to 'Listen to your art. It will tell you what it needs." This wasn't so much a matter of my listening, but rather being dragged along by giant talons.
As scavengers, ravens frequented the battlefields of our early history, and were seen by the Celts as the Morrigan incarnate, freeing the souls of the fallen. It is in this guise that this raven spoke to me.

Things have progressed some since this picture was taken. The white space behind the knot-work will be filled in with indigo, a preview of which you can see in the beak, and there's some subtle coloring to the knot as well. I'll take more pictures and post as soon as I can.