Virgo Detail
I'm going to try to keep these posts coming more frequently. So they may not have very zippy titles. I'm also posting on Instagram...
The Zodiac 2
Not all of our original concepts turn out to be practical. A case in point was my idea to paint each Zodiac sign as they progressed...
The Self-Imposed Deadline
Ideas simmer on the back burner like a pot of marinara. Concepts cook down to their essence. Images meld and mingle into new flavors....
I'm Back!
It’s been ages since the last post. A show, an Etsy shop, two workshops, and an operating-system-upgrade ago, not to mention all of the...
Lightness in the Dark
You can’t draw portraits of death deities without reflecting on the issue of mortality, or at least I can’t. I took the gallery owner’s...
The Raven Returns
The print show is up, the ink put away, and the proofs are in the flat file. Actually, that was almost two weeks ago. I haven't been...
Running Out Of TIme
I wanted to do a post-a-day this month to highlight the 30x30 show, but life intervened. Now the show is ending. The last day is Friday,...
Andy, John, and the Doctor
I got to thinking about iconic images. What are they? What do they mean? What makes them iconic? If we look up the definition we find...